Monday, 11 July 2011

For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto - Murray N. Rothbard

This is not my government paying dues to the EU and that keeps poring money in to try and keep this Frankenstein currency appearing to be alive. My government does not exist.

This is not my government waging illegal wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. My government has been hijacked.

This is not my government that keeps giving away the sovereignty of the nation I believed I was born to have a rightful a share of and to pass to my kin. My government has been corrupted long ago.

This is not my government that borrows and borrows from god knows who all money, money that I naively once thought was issued by my government itself. My government has been fooled and forced to handover the key to power.

Now the problem is: how can I get this rogue Kleptocracy to keep their hands off the profits of my labour, my property and my freedom. How can I get them out power. How can I assure that what replaces them is sufficiently robust that such a poison can never return.

There is no example in history of rulers and civilisations that looks any better. All power corrupts. They all decay as greed and power usurps the 'throne'.

Why do we keep trying to reinvent the institution of state, so historic it's despicable origins are preserved in the fossil record? Because the system of the state is a self-replicating organism.

The solution is simple. Have nothing to be governed, no leadership, no centralised authority. No state at all - zilch! If there is no state there is nothing to corrupt, nothing to grow in unyielding authority, no cudgel for an oligarchy to seize and coerce to do its bidding, covertly or at the barrel of a gun.

We are trained to dismiss this prospect as unworkable; "why that would be anarchy!" all cry out. Indeed; yes it would be anarchy, but in the real, correct sense of the word. For that very word has been stolen and usurped to describe a world with no rule of law and so where lawlessness abodes.

We do not need the state to uphold legality to protect our property and in that our rights to ourselves, our own life. That can be accomplished without a state.

It takes a leap of imagination; to start thinking how such a world could work and not default to the converse embedded reflex of just trying to defend and justify the paradigm within which we all are currently and truly lost.

I strongly recommend anyone who is considering the search for a better alternative to the state and government, as we know it, to take the opportunity to read this work:

For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto - Murray N. Rothbard

Read free on-line or for free MP3/PodCast download.

Friday, 8 July 2011

More to Phone-hacking than Accessing Voice-mail with Passwords

There is far more to this phone hacking caper than simply accessing voice-mail with passwords.

Cell phones can be activated remotely, loaded with software that takes control of the phone, records text messages, records calls, uses the inbuilt microphones as a listening device/bug, takes all GPS location data, address-book data, call logs, web-history, everything - current and historic - and transmits all, as and when required, to the hijacker when it can then also receive new instructions.

The cellular network transmitter/station local to a target phone can be replaced with a decoy transmitter that relays the signal on to the real network.  The phone must give the transmitter a code to prove who it is to the network but the network does not have to give the phone any code to prove it is the real network.  The phone can be told to transmit without encryption and the false cell transmitter can gain control of the phone in such a way, to download hijack software to take permanent covert control of the phone.

A 'virus' can be sent to the phone to similarly take control of it or the phone can be infected if it is in the possession of the hacker for a very short time.  It is possible to hack a phone via it's wireless connection, blue-tooth or even via a text message.

This may be the reason why the 'authorities' do not want phone intercept intelligence used as evidence in court; because they do not want to plainly admit what can be done and what is being done.  Perhaps this is why the police have been reluctant to further investigations into this matter or perhaps there is another layer between the journalists, the cash, the police and who is doing the actual covert spying on mobile phones.